What Does Christmas Mean To You?
With Christmas fast approaching, a question that I seem to hear frequently is “What does Christmas mean to you?” While I feel like this is a seemingly simple question to answer, I also feel like the world that we live in has forced this concept that you must buy an expensive gift to be accepted and loved. We as people I feel, have lost sight of the true meaning of Christmas.
You see, my daughter is the first grandchild on both sides of our family. My parents, my wife’s parents, and our siblings all tend to over buy for her. She is 100% spoiled. My wife tends to do the same. I get it to a point, that’s what grandparents are for, right? To spoil their grandchildren? Also, as parents, we want to provide a better life for our children. Give them the luxuries that we did not have growing up.
We live in a time where marketing is literally everywhere. Social media posts, videos, emails, text messages, instant messages, etc... Technology has pushed a trend that we tend to feel entitled. We expect the most expensive gifts. If we do not receive the said expensive gifts, the we assume that we are not loved. This tends to be the feelings of those giving the gifts as well. We must show our love and appreciation for our loved one’s by giving expensive gifts. Almost like they expect us to go into debt just to receive our loved one’s love.
“What does Christmas mean to you?” The Created Outdoors answer is that Christmas means celebrating the birth and life of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. The never-ending love that Christ has given to us. The time spent with loved ones, such as family and friends. Reminiscing our shared memories of good times, and remembering the lives of those no longer with us. Partaking in family traditions for such a special time. These things are what Christmas means to us.
Created Outdoors Pro Staff Bruce King and family
In closing, John 3:16 and 17 tell us this: “16 For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who believes in him might not perish, but might have eternal life. 17 For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world might be saved through him.” Until next time, hunt hard, hunt safe, and remember you are loved and blessed.
Share with us at Created Outdoors your answer. You can email them to the addresses listed below. What does Christmas mean to you? You may also send prayer requests.