3 Phases of October
Year after year, I hear people talk about the October lull in the deer woods. Is the lull a real phase of the hunting season? It really just depends on who you ask. Here are some of the Created Outdoors staff thoughts on the truth behind the lull, and the different phases of October.
Phase 1 Feeding
As October begins, the deer are still in the early season feeding patterns. This phase of October lasts about a week, sometimes less. You will see them feeding in crop fields, or your choice of mineral and bait sites (we like the Domain Outdoors Stockpile or Recharge, and Moultrie feeders at Created Outdoors). Also, the acorns should be starting to drop, so this will provide a natural temporary food source. Deer will stop showing at normal food sites as often when there are acorns available. Think of it this way, if you were forced to eat tacos every day, they would probably get old after a couple of days, right? Then someone else shows up with a nice steak, what are you going to choose? The steak! It is the same concept; they will enjoy the acorns while they last.
Phase 2 Transition and Roaming
In the second phase, the deer are starting to work scrapes and the bucks are starting to rub. They are starting to spar, setting their dominance, and territorial boundaries. This is the phase that people will call the lull. The reason being, bucks are not on a predictable pattern. They are starting to roam farther distances. The sole thing on their mind is finding that first hot doe, and they want to be the first buck to find her. I asked the rest of the Created Outdoors staff what their thoughts were on the October lull, if they believed that it was real? Here are some thoughts from some of the seasoned staff, as well as a new face here at Created outdoors.
Jeremy Davis
“Not really, there is just an adjustment. It’s just the bucks changing more to the fall and winter patterns.”
Derek Denlinger
“Nope. What Jeremy said.”
Tony Fall
Created Outdoors Staff Member Tony Fall with some October harvests
“Yes, they have been lulling at my house the last 5 years.”
I have included a few of the photos of the deer that Tony Fall has harvested in recent years in October. I feel like you all would agree, if this is the lull for Tony, then he needs to share photos when the deer are plenty!
Phase 3 Pre-Rut
In the third phase, deer are starting to get more into rut mode. This is when hunters will start to see more deer, and there will be an influx of deer hit on the highways. They are cruising more frequently, but there is no pattern to their movement. Bucks are fighting now; this is the time that you want to be aggressive with your rattling antlers. Bleat calls are also effective. While the does are not quite in heat, the smaller bucks will be chasing pretty hard. Scrapes should be your go to in this phase. Bucks will be checking scrapes more often, as I said before, they want to be the first buck with the first hot doe.
Created Outdoors Staff Member Evan Gersper with the Big 6 and his Elite Ember
If you feel like you are hunting through a lull in October, then faith, prayer, and patience is a deadly combination for deer. John 4:14 says “The water that I will give him will become in him a spring of water welling up to eternal life.” Even in a drought and times of difficulty, the Lord will provide. The proof is in the photo of me with The Big 6, and all of the bucks that Tony Fall has harvested in recent years. Until next time, God bless.
Send prayer requests, and inquiries to book us for speaking events to:
Evan Gersper
Created Outdoors Staff